Closer To The Moon (2015) Full Movie
AUG 28 UPDATE. You might want to check back in a few days to see my September forecast, before it’s too late. Well, you did see pages 25-37 in the full version.
With Vera Farmiga, Harry Lloyd, Mark Strong, Anton Lesser. A Romanian police officer teams up with a small crew of old friends from the World War II Jewish Resistance.
Before getting into what. Venezuelan friends and clients wonder if the line across Venezuela in the astro- locality map for the August 2. US intervention in that country. Ah, but it did! Just look at the map, and follow the Sun- Moon meridian line northward from Texas, up and over the pole and down into India.
The central premise behind the new Adam Sandler comedy "Pixels" is so undeniably promising on its most basic level that as I walked into the screening, I felt a.
As specifically called out in the text of the forecast: . Again, look at the map. See the Sun- Moon horizon line, near the Mars horizon line ? I figure this one actually extends from August 3.
September 9 . The confluence of these three factors . Have your gas tank full, your go bag ready and your weather radio handy just in case! No place on Earth - atmosphere, crust or seas - is impervious to alignments of Earth, Sun and Moon. Some alignments are more potent that others . Super. Moons and eclipses.
But all of them count; even garden variety full moons like the one on September 6. World Forecast Highlights.) For new and full moons, I always include the meridian (vertical) and horizon (curving arc) lines for the Sun and Moon. Additional lines are included if they represent outstanding simultaneous planetary configurations. It features the lines for the Sun and Moon, plus Neptune (conjunct the Moon), Mercury and Mars (conjunct each other), and Jupiter and Uranus (opposing each other).
Notice that the Sun- Moon lines again touch Texas (the west side this time), while Mercury and Mars bracket California, Nevada, Oregon and Washington; while the Jupiter- Uranus lines go through the western Atlantic, Caribbean (hello Haiti), etc. Just remember: the whole world is tuned into this, but the lines on the map point out areas of special vulnerability. He was born with a Mars line connecting Washington DC and Pyongyang . Want to know more? See the August forecast! As you can see from the September forecast, we're already into the geocosmic stress window. Well, you did see pages 2.
World Forecast Highlights (published last year); or my free online August forecast (published online in July), didn? In particular, the section dealing with the August solar eclipse, and specifically the part where I wrote about . Astro- locality mapping this eclipse points out a few other susceptible zones, including a longitudinal swath through the center of North America, from Canada through Mexico; emerging on the other side of the world to pass through India, China and Russia. See the astro- locality map for more . These areas will be a major focus for storms and seismicity during the shock window associated with this eclipse, which stretches from August 1. Extreme weather events and electrical disturbances will play havoc with all kinds of infrastructure during this eclipse window.
If traveling, allow extra time for delays. Be prepared for power outages. A good time to hunker down.
Then take a look at the headlines coming out of Texas these past few days. Get the picture? All any of us can do at this point is to help with the clean- up in whatever way we can. Prepare for what? Divx Ipod Match (2015). Watch for the forthcoming September forecast! Meanwhile, you might want to re- read that August forecast: there. As usual, they. For something real, see the plentiful eclipse section of my August forecast .
August 1. 7, 1. 8, 1. Describing this month. You also get strong storms in the atmosphere, increased seismic activity, and a lot of electrical interference . In the latter category are scrambled neural networks: some people are extremely sensitive to these solar outbursts. See the forecast. And in light of the recent Newsweek report that the North Korean missile claims are a hoax, see the . A dangerous distraction.
Remember: Hitler had his own Brown Shirts shot dead to get a raft of martyrs; and shot his own soldiers dead on the Polish border to get a pretext for World War II. Also posted is my first errata for this forecast, correcting a typographical error pointed out by eagle- eyed Susi in Switzerland.
Thank you, my friend! Mania runs to extremes in the financial markets at times like this: go to the sidelines, if it. Take nothing at face value, secure what.
Got crust and sky? Therefore, having your weather radio and go bag handy wouldn. They include a longitudinal swath extending north and south from East Texas to pass through Winnipeg and Mexico City in the western hemisphere, and through East India and Western China in the east. The eclipse is part of a sky train that was set in motion back on May 2.
Mars opposed Saturn from 2. There are a few other birth times in circulation, but there. I use it because it.
All the other options are speculative, mere opinions; which is to say, lacking evidentiary value. Just remember: there. See my August forecast. You know what to expect: a surge in extreme tides, powerful storms and moderate to severe seismic activity. A moody, melancholy Monday; with a tendency to market swoons from late the week before into mid- week following the opposition. Remember, as Frank Herbert wrote, .
Remember: due to the solar storm window mentioned in my forecast, this period of elevated seismic susceptibility will extend into early August. Likewise the powerful storms, which have made headlines all over the US during this period to date. The bottom line: have your go bag ready just in case; keep your eyes to the sky. Trump has experienced this same eclipse on his Mars at the ascendant a couple times already: in 1. The distinguishing factor this time around is the simultaneous Saturn transit on his natal lunar eclipse. That Saturn factor is not a happy prospect: a loss of public support, most likely in reaction to hasty, reckless, aggressive and even dangerous acts on his part. In that regard, check Mr.
This is too early to be an outbreak of a major war. See my June forecast for background, and watch for the rest of the story in my August forecast. Frankly, there. Be that as it may, here. The truth is in fact a tapestry that weaves all these threads together; combining myth, cultural evolution, astrology, astronomy and socio- political movements into something we call Lilith. But first, let. What to expect?
See the forecastt, and look out for ! You saw a very real manifestation of this in Asian stock markets on July 4, when a glitch in market computers drastically misstated the market value of leading tech stocks by listing them all at one and the same price: $1. For Apple, which had traded around $1. For Amazon, which was trading closer to $1,0. However at the time I thought . Checking the next day and realizing the rest of the story, I immediately felt sorry for anyone who might have entered a panic sell order on that fake news.
Get ready, folks: as described in my July forecast, there. In effect, this extends the July 2- 8 storm and seismic turbulence more or less continuously into the 1.
Full moons are by no means as potent as Super. Moons or eclipses when it comes to raising tides in Earth. But you will see an uptick in powerful storms, extreme tides and seismic activity (M 5+ quakes and volcanic eruptions) throughout this period. For one, there was the strong 5. Montana, which . Not so fast, my friends!
The bigger 6. 8 quake that struck the Philippines later that same date is more likely a precursor to a major event on the shorter term. Cheap Burying The Ex (2015) Movie on this page. In any case, be aware of heightened storm and seismic potential from now into the 1. And be alert to the potential for human storminess over this same period: confrontation and belligerence, greed and aggression are highlighted during this full moon shock window. Nothing apocalyptic on a grand scale, mind you . If you were born under significant emphasis around 1.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), there. Check your chart! The forecast is very specific: . In their wake comes an uptick in Kp. Disruptions in electrical and electronic devices and networks are common at times like this: computers, power grids, satellite systems, radio transmissions, etc.
Get ready, there. And that just scratches the surface, as you. I now have tables for Moon- Lilith alignments from 2.
Korean Movie Reviews for 2. In early 2. 01. 5, concerns persisted that the mainstream commercial film industry is no longer as dynamic or creative as it used to be. Not only was there a shortage of critically acclaimed films appearing in the first half of the year, but more generally, the increasingly corporatized system for making films seems to favor familiar stories, styles and casting over bold and innovative creative choices. Apart from facing great challenges in terms of distribution and marketing, the independent sector is dealing with steep cuts in support from the government (which appears to have adopted its hostile attitude due to the criticism contained in works like documentary The Truth Shall Not Sink With Sewol). Even if the average Korean film is perhaps not as interesting as it was a decade ago, the highlights are still worth following.
Gangnam Blues takes place in 1. Korean title is simply . Jong- dae (popular singer/actor Lee Min- ho) and Yong- gi (Kim Rae- won) are two young men who enter adulthood as destitute rag pickers, but through a combination of ingenuity, skill, violence and grit start to rise within the heirarchies of rival gangs. Eventually, they become minor players in the drama of Gangnam's transformation.
Apart from these surface details, the genre is also particularly well suited to depicting the mechanics of power: how one person outstrengths, outsmarts, buys or seduces another, within a complex overall heirarchy of power relations. The best gangster movies are just as much about money and politics as they are about violence. A Dirty Carnival (2. Once Upon a Time in High School (2. Gangnam region in the 1. Both films present violence not as isolated acts, but as part of an overall system in which people are driven by need, ambition and fear to exploit the weak and seek out vulnerabilities in the strong. Gangnam Blues also proves to be a showcase for Director Yoo's vision and talent.
Although it requires some concentration to follow its complex plot, the film imparts an impressive depth to the violence and deception shown on screen, as if it were all a part of a tense chess match. At the same time he devotes considerable attention to the surface: the look and energy of the film is thrilling, and the crowd fights in particular are as painful to watch as they are impressively choreographed and executed. The end result, as with his previous films, is that Gangnam Blues addresses the topic of violence in a sophisticated way, but never fully de- glamorizes it either. You could flag this as one of the work's faults, or you could argue that the contradictory feelings that the film gives you - - of being simultaneously repelled and seduced by violence - - is what makes it interesting.
But in many ways the development of Gangnam, which was driven forward by a mixture of corruption, greed, and violence, parallels the way in which South Korea as a whole achieved its economic miracle in the second half of the 2. So as specific as this film might be in terms of its local details, the story it is telling is the story of a nation.
Here he gives a convincing performance as an outwardly good cop, generous with his underlings and always maintaining calm exterior, yet seething with societal anxiety and moral guilt inside. Conversely, some viewers enamored of the excess emotional gymnastics of a typical Korean TV drama might find it bland and dry. The president of the academy (Uhm Ji- won, Like You Know It All), glamorous and suave, is allegedly running a military- sponsored educational program that will result in two students to be sent to Tokyo on full scholarship. Kazue (Park So- dam, Ingtoogi), a star athlete of the school.
It starts off pushing all the expected buttons for a young- girl- in- school- uniform K- horror, but then it veers sharply off into a completely different sub- genre (to concretely name that would in fact constitute a major spoiler), ironically one that you might easily expect from Japan (Kaneko Shusuke, one of the doyens of the Japanese tokusatsu cinema, in fact recently made one film in this mode). Among the cast members, the strongest impression is left by Park So- dam, whose earnest, slightly quizzical expression is sometimes heart- breakingly attractive.
Alice in Earnestland is a bit creepy, a bit gore- y. Thankfully, in this case, the gore is not overdone. We are not pummelled with punished characters but with plausibly paced plow throughs. Still, the film is not for the easily squeamish.
We first meet her through her sartorial and transport choices. We witness both as the camera focuses on her foot as she parks her motorized scooter before we see her face. Like the gore, her quirky outfits are not overdone, but her clothes and her primary mode of transportation puts her outside the mainstream. We immediately peg Soo- nam as strange.
But her strangeness is tempered somewhat since she is quickly placed in a dyad with Kyung- sook (Seo Young- hwa - 4 Hong San- gsoo films, including Hill of Freedom & Right Now, Wrong Then), a counselor whose manner of speaking and facial grooming presents her as strange in her own way as well. We immediately begin to wonder what Soo- nam's beef is with Kyung- sook when we witness Kyung- sook tied up in her chair and across from her desk sits Soo- nam eating a boxed lunch. A nicely edited back story takes us through Soo- nam's adolescence and young adulthood to where she marries Kyu- jung (Lee Hae- young - Glove & The Himalayas). After putting themselves in debt by buying a house, Kyu- jung develops hearing loss. Rather than encouraging the learning of Korean Sign Language, the couple is pushed towards a cochlear implant, and hence further debt, but are warned that the procedure isn't perfect.
There might be consequences. Alice in Earnestland proceeds to deliver on those consequences, much of which has to deal with housing speculation. If there isn't already a film studies scholar writing a book on the presentation of the housing market in South Korean cinema, all I ask is the eventual writer of such a treatise thank me in the acknowledgements for the idea. As an actress who was thrust on South Korean screens as the metaphorical ghost of the Gwangju Massacre in Jang Sun- woo's masterpiece A Petal, hers was one of those roles that made me apprehensive of such a young performer in such a horrific role. Knowing Jang was quite the bad boy of South Korean cinema, one could think of no more daunting of a debut character for such a young actor. Thankfully, Lee appears to have weathered that role well, going on to be an early K- pop star and continuing to act in powerful adult roles such as the mother in Juvenile Offender. Lee is the spark that keeps re- lighting some of the best moments of Alice in Earnestland.
Other performances stand out as well. Seo plays Kyung- sook as nightmarishly creepy, but so is the character of her husband Do- chul (Myung Gye- nam - A Petal & Thuy), a nightmare of a different kind. And after finding myself unconsciously smiling when Ji Dae- han (Peppermint Candy & Juvenile Offender) entered the frame as Detective Park, I realized Ji has been growing on me as an actor. The film's cliched reliance on the disability- as- tragedy trope (twice!) to suspend the disbelief of the audience on the trajectory of the plot is the one complaint I have about this otherwise engaging film. All of the horrors that happen to Soo- nam and Kyu- jung and the miscreants and cops she leaves in her wake would not need to happen if Korean Sign Language were considered an available option.
It would have taken some time and money to learn, but nothing like the cost of the cochlear implant presented in the film. Still, issues confronting the disabled and the Deaf do intersect.) It's easier to communicate by sign languages from a distance, say across the street, where people can't hear you well.
You can use sign languages at loud venues like concerts. Many of us experience laryngitis at some point in our lives.