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How to Build a Profitable Website in 2. Best Niche Online. Comments 1. 2 minutes. Biography Movies Watch Stung (2015). Welcome to my first ever blog post in 2.
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It comes before I embark on a huge Facebook series which I promise will be worth the premium price I was originally planning to sell the information for. Download Felt (2015) Online. I realised that before I talk about how to utilise Facebook to grow a huge audience and make money, you have to be confident in the website you’re going to promote. The niche I’m going to reveal to you today is so amazing and something you’ll be so passionate about that I rented out a four- floor office and hired four full- time staff just to build a serious website to cover it. While the name Viper. Chill still might not really mean anything, this is going to be the most meaningful blog post new webmasters read this year. The Best Niche on the Internet.
I’m going to tell you exactly what this is at the start of this article just to be fair. However, I know that as soon as you read what it is you’re just going to tell yourself, “Ugh, is that it?”. Just promise that in your disappointment you’ll read the ensuing few sentences. The best topic to build a website about in 2.
Ugh”. Told you. So this is where you hear me out: It’s no longer enough to pick a website niche, hire some writers to cover the content for you and start building traffic then expecting it to make you tons of cash. For the most part, those days are gone. Instead, what new websites need is a leader behind them who is so into that topic that he’s willing to go the extra mile to see that the website is a success.
Someone who runs with new content ideas because they’re interesting to them personally and they want to see what the rest of the world thinks. Someone who gets angry that their website isn’t doing as well as it should because they know they can be better than the competition. Someone who is willing to spend countless hours figuring out what other players in the field are doing because they ARE going to make money from this passion. Someone who truly understands their target audience – or is ready to learn – so they can provide exactly what they’re looking for. Someone who cares a lot more than the guy outsourcing all of the work and is in it just for the money. Full stop. I didn’t even get into the fact that building a website around something you love is far more enjoyable and you’re more likely to keep working on it in the first few weeks and months where progress can seem slow and financial success a distant dream.
Now, that isn’t to say there isn’t money to be made from websites you don’t care about. There is actually far more money to be made in industries you don’t care about. How I wish I had dreams about Gold Individual Retirement Accounts. While it’s possible to make big money from industries that have no interest to you – I’m talking outside of traditional paid ads and affiliate marketing here – it’s rare. Just like how once in a while you might see a poor, ugly man with a beautiful wife or girlfriend, it’s not something that comes along in your reality very often.
I know it’s an overused clich. And those experiences tell me that the sites I build where I’m primarily focusing on their potential income never really amount to anything. The Scenario for the Rest of This Post.
What I want to show in today’s blog post is how I scour the web to look for opportunities around my passions. It’s my hope that you can take the following advice and insights and apply them to the industry that you personally find the most interesting and exciting in 2. When looking for these opportunities, what I’m really hoping to discover is the types of sites that are popular, the platforms that are most popular, the content that gets the most attention and how people are monetizing their websites.
While the aim here isn’t to just copy other successful models, I think it’s very important that you have a very clear and solid understanding of a niche online before you build a new competitor. To make this post less generic I have decided to choose a niche which has little to do with my own passions and something I know very little about when it comes to online communities: Magic. I’ve bought some tricks from a Magic shop before – about 1. I ever got. I genuinely know nothing about the online state of this industry and chose it so that you can follow me along as I learn about it at the same time as you. So let’s assume that I want to get into magic again and I want to make money online. Here’s my plan. What we’re aiming to do first is branch out as far and wide as possible to find all relevant communities and platforms online.
You start with the most obvious sources like Facebook and Youtube and so on and then you end up on communities and sites that you had no idea existed just a few moments prior. That branching out will look something a little like this. Apologies for the ugly graphic. It took longer than I would like to admit to make in Photoshop but hopefully gets the idea across. Once you’ve cast a net far and wide we’ll then start connecting the dots backwards and see where these sites have similarities. Similarities in terms of the style of content they’re producing, the traffic generation methods they use and how they’re being monetised. Let’s get onto platform one, shall we?
Facebook: Show Me Your Tricks. Since I am about to start a huge Facebook series (few posts, but far too many words, as usual) I don’t want to give away too much in this section. Consider it a taste of things to come, but still useful enough to give you something to work with.
When I was recording voice memo’s on my phone I planned out this entire article, yet ironically forgot to remind myself that I need to look at Facebook for niche research as well. After all, popular Facebook pages can be huge money makers on their own. Even without being connected to a website you fully own. To start with, I simply went to the search bar at the top of Facebook and typed “Magic”. Facebook will give you a number of suggestions for pages, but if you go to the bottom of the list you’ll see an option just to do a simple Facebook search for that word: If your Facebook options are configured like mine, once you click on that search option you’ll see Posts related to magic.
From there, click on Pages on the topic navigation since that’s what we’re looking for. My search was clearly too broad, since the top results here are for Magic the Gathering, Magic Mike XXL and the Orlando Magic basketball team. Narrowing my search to “Magician” brought more relevant results.
However, Facebook seems to show very few results via this search option these days. As an aside, if you don’t want to go through the search process where you ignore suggested pages, click on the bottom result and then click on pages, just modify this URL: https: //www. After a bit of clicking I was able to find pages like Dynamo, the UK magician, and Criss Angel, a popular American alternative. Honestly, the search feature on Facebook doesn’t seem to be that great. I tend to have better luck by searching Google for the relevant pages so “Magician Facebook”, “Magic Tricks Facebook” and so on. Google tends to show higher results for pages which have a lot of likes and activity.
From there I found pages like: Facebook. Magic. Tricks / 1. Easy Magic Tricks / 1. Ben Hanlin Magician / 3. Robert Strong Magic / 1,2.
If these numbers seem low, that’s because they are. Neither of these searches has provided good results when they normally would. And it’s not like Magic is dead on Facebook. Criss Angel and Dynamo have 4 million and 5 million Likes respectively. At least you can see I’m really doing this as I’m writing as promised. These results surprise me. Now on to another option.
I really didn’t want to share this until my Facebook series, but it’s a GREAT little trick I discovered after a lot of figuring out Facebook. You’ve probably noticed that whenever you like a Facebook page, Facebook will show you suggestions on other pages that you might like as well.