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  1. TouchCopy quickly transfers all iPod, iPad, and iPhone content to either iTunes or your hard drive with the click of a button.Pros One-click transfers.
  2. Daily updated digital multimedia news, covering DVD, next generation optical storage formats, P2P, legal issues and much more.
  3. Buy Bush Mains Charger iPhone 4 / 4S / iPod Premium - Black at, visit to shop online for iPad and tablet accessories, iPad, tablets and E.
  5. Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device.
  6. The iPod is a line of portable media players and multi-purpose pocket computers . The first version was released.

Touch. Copy - Free download and software reviews. Pros. I recently purchased a new IPOD TOUCH from an Apple store. Told the 'expert' that we needed to transfer all our recorded music (that we downloaded from our cds- -- 7,8. IPOD CLASSIC. Connect to Itunes, yada yada..! I updated to Touchcopy. THANK YOU!!!! I called Apple back and told them that this software should be recommended to all their classic owners (and that store experts and techs needed to be re- trained).

Consnothing I could see. Summary. I was lucky to find this software. Reply to this review. Read reply (1)Was this review helpful?(1) (0) Reply by Wide. Angle. Software on January 3. Thank you for your kind words, glad our software was of use!

Pros. Everything was easy and went without a hitch. Sci Fi Thriller Movies San Andreas (2015) here. Product downloaded and installed in a snap.

Once installed, the program was easy to navigate and provided me the ability to retrieve music, photos and videos from my i. Phone to computer quickly. I would totally recommend it to anyone who finds themselves in my position, where i. Tunes was nearly lost following a hard drive crash. It is well worth the price.

Cons. I have noting but good things to say about it. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful?(0) (0) Pros. Easy to transfer files between Windows and i. Phone 2. User- friendly interface and operation 3. Offer a lot of useful functions, such as play songs, videos and edit contacts, add favorite songs to my i.

Phone directly. Cons. Not bad to say. Summary. Touch. Copy is worth to buy it. Save me a lot of time to transfer these mass media files of my i.

Phone and i. Pad. Reply to this review.

Was this review helpful?(0) (0) Pros. Touch. Copy was very good for uploading all my songs from my i. Pod onto my new computer - it done it very quickly and efficiently which I was pleased at.

I've used it once before, on my old laptop when it had just been bought, and was exactly the same then as well. Cons. The only con to it this time is the fact that all my songs have numerous small jumps in the audio whenever I listen to them on my computer, even though they aren't there on my i. Pod. Summary. Overall, it's worth the money as it saves the long process reacquiring all your songs etc. I'd really appreciate it. Reply to this review. Was this review helpful?(0) (0) Pros.

I was trying to update my i. Phone to the new i. OS8 but because of all my songs and photos, I didn't have enough memory to do it. I had a lot of important information on there for both school and work. Luckily, I managed to find Touch. Copy, which saved the day. It took me no time at all to recover my files.

I was able to get everything off my i. Phone - my music, playlists and even text messages, voice mails, and photos. It was very easy to operate which I found to be very useful. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who needs to retrieve important i. Phone files, I found it well worth the money.

Reply to this review. Was this review helpful?(3) (1) Pros. Very user- friendly! Cons. I have been using it for sometime and I love it! Summary. This software is super easy to install and the interface is well designed, which makes it very user- friendly! Touch. Copy allows you to copy virtually anything and everything you want from your i. Pad, i. Pod, i. Pod Touch or i.

Phone directly to your computer which is awesome for back ups, or transferring directly to your i. Tunes account for safe keeping. Touch. Copy has some very cool and useful features that really come in handy for everyday use.

You can open your calendar, notes, photos, music and more directly on your PC for viewing and backing up the important files and what's more you have the option to add files! The bookmark feature is totally awesome! If you have a lot of bookmarks on your device, you can open them directly within the application or your web browser which is excellent; no more trying to view those websites on a small screen! This works great with books too using the view in PDF option. This software makes accessing your contacts, phone logs and messages a snap! You can copy all this information directly to your PC for safe keeping and future reference.

Customization is available so that you can control the way you want to software to copy files, create new folders and even search your i. Pod. And if you need it, there is an extensive help file built- in that will walk you through step- by- step of each process and explain in more details about each of the functions the software has to offer. This software definitely helps me and can help you as well to stay organized and more productive than ever before! Reply to this review. Was this review helpful?(5) (1) Pros- Easy to use- Compatible with Apple devices. Cons- A bit overpriced- Keeps telling that i. Tunes is running- Says items are not in your i.

Tunes library when they clearly are. Summary. Okay program, but there are cheaper and better alternatives available. Watch Any Day (2015) Hd. Reply to this review. Read replies (3)Was this review helpful?(0) (3) Reply by wise- old- man on May 1.

Wide. Angle. Software. I requested a moderator to delete my review from here just to put your mind at ease. Cheers! Reply by wise- old- man on May 1. WIDEANGLESOFTWAREWhat made you think that I'm a spammer?

Just because I've posted a link to other website doesn't make me a spammer. For your information, I'm a licensed user of Touch. Copy. And, I'm not completely dissatisfied with this program. It works well with both my i. Phone and i. Pod. Please do not jump to conclusions; I was just sharing my opinion.

I've reviewed many others programs like this one: http: //download. Recuva/3. 00. 0- 2.